


From: English find


  • fînd

Play Play


  1. Make person look for someting or person.
    • Go find motor.  — (deuber__3590. Find a cab.)
    • Find better friends,  — (jw__10659. Make friends with good people.)
    • How dem take dey find deir own?  — (BEN_30_Husband-Criteria_DG__37. How dem dey find their own?)
    • So dem go dey dere dey find plan.  — (WAZA_03_Obi-Lifestory_MG__65. So they will be there, looking for plans.)
    • We go siddon and try and find solution.  — (bbc__5343. We will resolve it round a table.)
  2. Make de give person someting
    • Oga find your boys chop money, we dey hungry.  — (NSC_Legbeti_2021, Find your boys some money for food boss.)
    • Find di police small coins make we for fit leave here quick.  — (NSC_Legbeti_2021, Bribe the police so that we are not kept unnecessarily.)


  • English: search