
Revision as of 16:28, 7 August 2020 by Root (talk | contribs) (Created page with "local export = {} local translit_data = mw.loadData("Module:translations/data") local needs_translit = translit_data[2] -- microformat2 classes, see https://phabricator.wiki...")
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local export = {}

local translit_data = mw.loadData("Module:translations/data") local needs_translit = translit_data[2]

-- microformat2 classes, see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T138709 local class = { container_ux = 'h-usage-example', container_quotation = 'h-quotation', example = 'e-example', quotation = 'e-quotation', quotation_with_citation = 'e-quotation cited-passage', translation = 'e-translation', -- The following is added by Module:script utilities, using Module:script utilities/data -- transliteration = 'e-transliteration', literally = 'e-literally', source = 'e-source', footer = 'e-footer' }

-- helper functions

local function wrap(tag, class, text, lang) if lang then lang = ' lang="' .. lang .. '"' else lang = "" end

if text and class then return table.concat{'<', tag, ' class="', class, '"', lang, '>', text, '</', tag, '>'} else return nil end end

local function span(class, text) return wrap('span', class, text) end local function div(class, text) return wrap('div', class, text) end

function export.format_usex(lang, sc, usex, translation, transliteration, noenum, inline, ref, quote, lit, substs, qualifier, source, nocat, brackets, footer, sortkey) local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText

--[[ if lang:getType() == "reconstructed" or namespace == "Reconstruction" then error("Reconstructed languages and reconstructed terms cannot have usage examples, as we have no record of their use.") end ]]

if lit then lit = "(literally, “" .. span(class.literally, lit) .. "”)" end

if source then source = "(" .. span(class.source, source) .. ")" end

if footer then footer = span(class.footer, footer) end

local example_type = quote and "quote" or "usage example" -- used in error messages local categories = {}

if not sc then sc = require("Module:scripts").findBestScript(usex, lang) end

-- tr=- means omit transliteration altogether if transliteration == "-" then transliteration = nil else -- Try to auto-transliterate if not transliteration and usex then local subbed_usex = require("Module:links").remove_links(usex)

if substs then --[=[ Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:tracking/quote/substs Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:tracking/usex/substs ]=]

if quote then require("Module:debug").track("quote/substs") else require("Module:debug").track("usex/substs") end

local substs = mw.text.split(substs, ",") for _, subpair in ipairs(substs) do local subsplit = mw.text.split(subpair, mw.ustring.find(subpair, "//") and "//" or "/") subbed_usex = mw.ustring.gsub(subbed_usex, subsplit[1], subsplit[2]) end end

transliteration = lang:transliterate(subbed_usex, sc) end

-- If there is still no transliteration, then add a cleanup category if not transliteration and needs_translit[lang] then table.insert(categories, "Requests for transliteration of " .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " terms") end end if transliteration then transliteration = require("Module:script utilities").tag_translit(transliteration, lang:getCode(), "usex") end

if translation == "-" then translation = nil table.insert(categories, "Omitted translation in the main namespace") elseif translation then translation = span(class.translation, translation) elseif lang:getCode() ~= "en" and lang:getCode() ~= "und" then -- add trreq category if translation is unspecified and language is not english or undetermined table.insert(categories, "Requests for translations of " .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " usage examples") translation = "(please add an English translation of this " .. example_type .. ")" end

if usex then if usex:find("[[", 1, true) then usex = require("Module:links").language_link({term = usex, lang = lang}, false) end

local face if quote then face = nil else face = "term" end

if not nocat and namespace == "" or namespace == "Reconstruction" then if quote then table.insert(categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " terms with quotations") else table.insert(categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " terms with usage examples") end end

usex = require("Module:script utilities").tag_text(usex, lang, sc, face, quote == "quote-meta" and class.quotation_with_citation or quote and class.quotation or class.example) else if transliteration then table.insert(categories, "Requests for native script in " .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " usage examples") end

-- TODO: Trigger some kind of error here usex = "(please add the primary text of this " .. example_type .. ")" end

local result = {}

if sc:getDirection() == "rtl" then usex = "‏" .. usex .. "‎" end

table.insert(result, usex)

if #qualifier > 0 then table.insert(result, " " .. require("Module:qualifier").format_qualifier(qualifier)) end

table.insert(result, ref)

if inline then if transliteration then table.insert(result, " ― " .. transliteration) end

if translation then table.insert(result, " ― " .. translation) end

if lit then table.insert(result, " " .. lit) end

if source then table.insert(result, " " .. source) end

if footer then table.insert(result, " " .. footer) end

if brackets then table.insert(result, "]") end elseif transliteration or translation or lit or source or footer then

table.insert(result, "

") local closing_tag = "" if transliteration then table.insert(result, closing_tag) table.insert(result, "
" .. transliteration) closing_tag = "
" end if translation then table.insert(result, closing_tag) table.insert(result, "
" .. translation) closing_tag = "
" end if lit then table.insert(result, closing_tag) table.insert(result, "
" .. lit) closing_tag = "
" end if source then table.insert(result, closing_tag) table.insert(result, "
" .. source) closing_tag = "


if footer then table.insert(result, closing_tag)

table.insert(result, "
" .. footer) closing_tag = "


if brackets then table.insert(result, "]") end

table.insert(result, closing_tag)

table.insert(result, "


else if brackets then table.insert(result, "]") end end

result = table.concat(result) result = div(quote and class.container_quotation or class.container_ux, result) result = result .. require("Module:utilities").format_categories(categories, lang, sortkey) if noenum then result = "\n: " .. result end return result end

return export