

Alternative forms

  • there 0.79 972, der


Borrowed from English dere


  • dere*

Play Play


  • Frequency in NSC treebank: 206
  • Frequency rank in NSC treebank: 80
  • Frequency in raw corpus: 905
  • Frequency rank in raw corpus: 391

The word is used more orally than in written texts.


dere: no definition, there -- Definition in Naija?

  1. - (frequency:711)
    Who dey dere?  — (ONI_27_A-Hotelier-Interview_MG__1, Who's there?)
    Don'T go dere.  — (ONI_04_Women_M__45, Dont go there.)
  2. case (frequency:189)
    Na for dere.  — (NST_cleaned__8051, __no translation__)
    from dere...  — (NST_cleaned__34431, __no translation__)
  3. advmod (frequency:9)
    So he was thinking he would get di two dere.  — (ONI_13_Current-Interests_DG__124, So, he was thinking he would get the two there.)
    Go to Bodija now, go, and see what is happening dere.  — (IBA_18_Money-Wahala_M__48, Go to Bodija now, go and see what is happening there.)
  4. cc (frequency:7)
    Look at di building here and dere.  — (ONI_07_Dis-Year-Na-My-Year_MG__1, Look at the buildings here and there.)
    everything dey fluctuate here and dere  — (deuber__5173, __no translation__)
  5. conj (frequency:3)
    So dere, and den, patapata, I just come back.  — (KAD_13_Entering-University_MG__89, So there and then, I finally came back.)
    den it means di thing go affect dose wey know book dere and dose people wey carry expo  — (deuber__2333, __no translation__)
  6. appos (frequency:3)
    My guy dey dere Christiano Ronaldo.  — (NST_cleaned__20346, __no translation__)
    So as I carry you go outside work, so e give you work dere to, to do.  — (NST_cleaned__11286, __no translation__)
  7. obl:mod (frequency:3)
    and to di glory of God di man kuku dey dere with di wife  — (deuber__884, __no translation__)
    But since when I leave di work, hm na dere o wahala start.  — (NST_cleaned__23364, __no translation__)
  8. mark (frequency:2)
    if dere...  — (NST_cleaned__32902, __no translation__)
    You fit go anywhere now if you... if you note... if dere...  — (WAZL_08_Edewor-Lifestory_MG__94, Yo can go anywhere now if you... if you note... if there...)

Derived forms


  • there 0.79 972, here 0.68 1186, where 0.64 3085, ehn 0.58 1757, outside 0.56 702, drive 0.53 431, farm 0.52 413, dirty 0.52 242, anywhere 0.51 224


  • there 0.79 972, here 0.68 1186, where 0.64 3085, ehn 0.58 1757, outside 0.56 702, drive 0.53 431, farm 0.52 413, dirty 0.52 242, anywhere 0.51 224


  • English: no definition, there


dere: no definition -- Definition in Naija?

  1. - (frequency:55)
    Dere are…  — (WAZL_10_Oga-Madam_DG__50, There are...)
    Dere was dis eh...  — (BEN_36_Clever-Girl_MG__2, There was this, uh...)

Derived forms


  • there 0.79 972, here 0.68 1186, where 0.64 3085, ehn 0.58 1757, outside 0.56 702, drive 0.53 431, farm 0.52 413, dirty 0.52 242, anywhere 0.51 224


  • there 0.79 972, here 0.68 1186, where 0.64 3085, ehn 0.58 1757, outside 0.56 702, drive 0.53 431, farm 0.52 413, dirty 0.52 242, anywhere 0.51 224


  • English: no definition